Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So dude....I haven't blogged in like 2 years.

Dude. Whatev. I'm just like...WAY to busy and important...AND MYSTERIOUS.

I am nothing if not mysterious.

Do you think it's lame or jeuvinile for a 33 year old woman to use "dude" all the time?

I don't either.

Lot's of things happening....Erika with the engagement and Heatho with the new house...my new car...I'm now GOLFING...which, p.s. golf actually provides a whole new arena in which a girl can buy very koot shoes.

Ashley graduated. YAAAAY!

Yes... she still looks good in a swimsuit.


Jerry had a triple by-pass. My George is studying insanely for some totally redic test.....I am myspacing at work...which is totally fine because no one at my work prob even knows what myspace is...and if they do, they are CERTAINLY NOT my "friends".

Yes. True adulthood is finally here.

Also...I'm thinking of writing a children's book...well...actually, I've already started...but I don't think it's so much the writing of the children's books that makes them...it's more the illustrating and since I am total suckage at drawing, I'm wondering.....maybe I should just write an ADULT book....but then, what, please would I write about?! Not feelings or responsibility and certainly not organization.....maybe something like....Buy this book and make me rich?

Also thinking that I need to have a vegetarian cooking show so anyone that's looking for a host...I'm way available.

Speaking of...Ally is totally boss and rocks ass and gets to be a fancy schmance producer in Savannah and I totally want her life. Plus Jamie and Vegas...and all fo my cool Dirty Rock friends.

Going to a Silpada party tonight...which sounds lame...but is going to be TOTALLY fun because only cool girls get to go and we're having sushi AND a bonfire. AND other stuff too like moon pies or something fab.

Suck on that Oprah.

Just kidding. Calm down. I totally love you girl and yes, yes, I'll come on the show when my book is released.

Maybe my book could be about me. Now how fascinating is THAT?!

Ok....maybe I won't write a book. Maybe I'll just try to blog.

Give me some topics....I can ramble forever about nothing.

What can I say...we all have our spiritual gifts

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