Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Isn't It Interesting.....

When you try something new.

Like a job.

Or you move somewhere completely different.
Or make a new friend.

...that it all seems very cool and mysterious and different and like your life is going to be fresh now.....That there will be a completely revamped you!?

And then in a week or month into it, it's like....um..this is NOT that fab.

Kind of like when you go on a first date and you're super nervous and all giddy and you're like....OH MY YIY!!!! etc. etc...... and after you've dated them for a month, you're like...why in the world was I (Capital I) nervous?! He's totally as dorky as I am! And not nearly as genious as I had once presumed.

I sooo should not have been nervous and I TOTALLY should not have gone dutch to show how cool I am.
(...not that I've dated in a while....like 5 years, because I'm like totally married and stuff so obvo I don't "date". But as I recall, this was often my thought...)

Take my current job for instance. When I first started I was like...SCORE...we're doing a ribbon cutting today...the media's going to be there...I'm goign to be on the nightly news looking all hot in my power suit and cute shoes holding those giant scissors giving my best movie star smile....

Now I'm like..LORD! SERIOUSLY!?

ANOTHER retarded (Sorry Mya) ribbon cutting .....and 4:00 pm on a Friday no less?!

A Friday when I'm trying to scoot out of town and get to the city for some totally happening, new mysterious stuff.


I cannot. And I'm CERTAINLY not touching up my make-up before I get there. So just get ready to see my scars and bags and whatev.

This is clearly why the super rich are either crazy and drunk and strung out and whatever....or are complete humanitarians and see the bigger picture adn give back and have a cause .......

Because when you've done everything by the age of like 10....and no one really interests or stimulates you anymore, it has got to be a total drag.

No wonder why Doug Bachelor lived in a cave.

Am I right?

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