Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I AM.....

Enrolling in this thing ...it's basically a class....that teaches you how to run for office....local, state...whatev.

Hey, a girl has got to have a plan.

Mine is governor. OR......like Alderwoman. That's not really my ultimate plan, but I am thinking it might spice things up! You know? I could get some new power suits....a fancy brief case.
Have an opinion.

I know....Right?

The Dub was like...what?! Are you KIDDING me? You are NOT running for any kind of office.
I know you and you'll never do it.

I'm like, " Yes I might. I seriously just MIGHT."

He goes, "You won't....Why don't you just take a class in learning how to be a better wife!?"


So, now, of course, I have to!!

Run for office that is.

And why not? Let's bring some style back into those stuffy board meetings. And red shoes.

AND some snacks.

That is the first thing I will do as elected official. Make snacks mandatory for those meetings. AND a time limit....becasuse, girl, please....and let's face it, most of you readers are girls (And LOMINO :) ...... A lot of those blow hards just loooove nothing more than to hear the sound of their own over-confident, under-qualified voices.

So. Bottom line is....If I've ever done anything unscrupulous and you were around, please do not tell the Rockford Press when they come a-knockin. I mean. I'm about to be a political figure.

A very big deal.

Basically. Kind of. Ish.

This is Stephanie Wasemiller, elected official, signing off.

***...Where in the HELL is my secret service?! Those guys keep ditching me...AND stealing my snacks. I'm seriously going to have to hire some ex-Pathfinders to get the job done. And done.

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