Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Know a Drunk

I know an old drunk.

And I don't use "drunk" in a negative way.

She's delightful, Well...ish.

Maybe entertaining is a better word.

Let's just say I like her. I really, really do.

In fact, I'd go so far as to say, I am quite fond of her most of the time. She makes me laugh and needs to talk. These are two things I can appreciate.

She's not homeless or shameless, gross or slightly insane. She's normal. Has a job and is active in the community. A grandmother. A church go-er. A homeowner. A very accomplished drunk.

She lives to drink.

Which, who is anyone to say that that's the worst thing in the world. If she's not harming anyone, what's the big beef?

So she's likes a few vodkas and a bottle of wine at night. It's not like the state of our union is at risk. Now and then she passes out and wakes to find that she's cut her own hair....that's not a crime.

She doesn't drink and drive. Or even walk recklessly for that matter. She simply goes home, puts on her sweats and knocks few back. And by few I'd say 10.

She's been doing so for bout 20 years. Give or take.

What's interesting to me is that I never knew her before. So I keep wondering....was "Louise" always this way ---and by "this way" I guess you just have to meet her..... it's hard to explain.... or has the drinking affected her personality? Her memory? Her facial expressions? Her mood swings! Her voice level...which can escalate when you're not really expecting it.....

Was she always a bit bitter and angry? Was she forever disgusted with her husband, irritated with her neighbors, insulted by her boss?

I'm sure not. She must have had beautiful moments and proud graduations, big laughs and sentimental holidays.

I know life has become a disappointment for her. I think it's a disappointment more often than it isn't.

But what came first? I'm so interested.

Was it the restlessness and dissatisfaction? The anger from love lost and promises broken?

Or ...... Did the dirty martinis result in a broken heart and cold marriage?

Probably some of both?

I just wonder now and then....does she recognize who she sees in the mirror? Does she even look?

Is her life a broken record of getting up in the morning because she has to, going to work because it's expected, and zooming home for the only light in her day.....OOOOhhhh that glorious Limoncella?

I guess it doesn't really matter.

Louise is Louise is Louise. She functioned fine before she met me and her life is hers. Not mine to figure out or worry over....

I'm just curious I guess because.......


I know a drunk.

And I like her.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm officially up to date on your blog :) as usual, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and feel important because I know the story and the person behind "I Know a Drunk"...love it. I also loved your other one about what you love....I need to do one of those myself!
The question is; when will you write a blog about ME, Your Heathy?!?!?! :) How about "I know a Heath" or "I know a singer" :)