Tuesday, March 17, 2009

2 Great Things

There is ......

Nothing better than marrying the right person.


Mark that down.

Not just A person.


Sometimes you don't even know if the person is right for you....so take heed and listen now and then. OKAY? If everyone says he's a creep or she's using you...hmmm....maybe everyone knows more than you do. After all, it is EVERYONE. So don't always count on just what you "FEEL"...some people need to love with their heads because their hearts are all messed up.


Number one Great Thing:

Marrying the right person.


I mean...um...Hello...It IS supposed to be the rest of your life...

Might as well spend it with someone that you respect. And like. And think is funny.

At the very least.

And I do mean VERY.

Thoughtfulness and hard-working and all of that jazz can NEVER be underestimated. But at the very least, respect the person, and enjoy them.

Here's a little advice...Actually, scratch that, here's a TON OF ADVICE.....Go on and be choosy.

If he's lazy, if she's a snark, if you don't like the same things. Just get on with it and break it off.

Or don't. I don't care. I mean, not really. It's not my life. Unless you're a relative.

But by all means, and listen closely now...... don't get impregnated. Do us all a favor.

So there's that.

The first great thing is marrying the right person.

Here's the awesome added bonus.

The Number 2 Great Thing:

Super cool, fun friends.

Super cool, fun friends that are LOYAL.


Not much can top the cherry on that sundae.

Awesome amigos are the bomb and are never to be dismissed as unimportant...esp in my world.


If you're amazing life-mate/husband/wife...whatever... dies, guess what? You've still got totally cool friends to spend all of your insurance money with.

Believe you me, your loyal friends will be glad they were when you're in St. Barts kickin' it old school style.


Take note again.

Cultivate these friendships. If someone's mean to you, or throws you under the bus, if they delight in your loss....

They're not going to St. Barts!
Or even Wisconsin Dells for that matter.

Friends make all the difference in fun birthdays and funny emails and great clothes and wknd trips. They are the ones with the good advice. The ones that remember everything and call you out and make you REALLY laugh.

They are the ones that say it was his loss, not yours.

Fabulous girlfriends make a lame day interesting and a heartache go away.

So make sure you find some...... Cool, fun, loyal friends.

Aaaaand ..... one super duper hubby....or wifey....

And sooner rather than later....

Because man....it goes fast...and you've got to have someone to say that to ...... both on the phone long-distance (The afore-mentioned coolio friends) and while snuggling at night, thinking about how you're middle-aged and married, your kitchen's never clean and you ate 3 boxes of Girlscout cookies (Life mate).

But who cares if your job sucks and your boobs are sagging, you've got your peeps. And, if their like mine, they'll stick with you through anything.

AND, they'll tell you you look fabulous the entire way.


Anonymous said...

spot on! i'm a super lucky girl who married up & has great friends. some of them I get to see often and others i just wish i could see more of.... and it seems the ones i never get to see, never change and we can "catch up" in about 45 minutes. i am grateful for my 2 great things.

AMGL said...

Are you trying to tell me something.... like that EVERYONE else is right? hmmm.