Tuesday, November 4, 2008


There is one thing in life that seriously gets my goat.

Drives me nuts-o.

Makes me want to poke someone's eyes out. For CEREAL.

Here it is:

I HATE it when someone is droppy. It just makes me bezerk! I mean koo koo in la cabeza. Honestly, it makes me want to SCRIBBLE swear words in dark colors.

Don't try to squeeze in a bunch of droppy suedo important info when I ask you a completely unrelated question.

Such as:

"Girl, where did you get those HOT Shoes?!"

Instead of replying with, "Hon please! Nordys"

Someone answers with:

"Hon please! You know the hubby got that phat promotion and we're makine like $650,000 a year now, so I got them in every color at Nordys."


There is no reason for that nonsense. NONE.

Just drives me bonkers.

Clearly. Because I haven't blogged in like a decade and choose to ramble on about this today.

But I cannot let it fester.

That would just be destruction to my soul. And let's be honest, I do not need a festering soul. Or a marinating one. Or fizzling. A soul dipped in dulche de leche? NOW we're talking!

BUT I digress....

I don't mind people being successful etc. In fact, I prefer it...esp in my friends. It's not like I'm looking for a bunch of losers...And if you're successful your life is just going to reflect that, etc.

No duh.

I get it.

But this bragginess and acting like some info is just "slipping out"?

Do not insult me. I was on to you about 15 years ago.

Seriously, nothing says GAG like a droppy-dropperson.

At least in my world.

Now you know.


AMGL said...

Yes, I concur. Did I mention that when I was on my trip to Europe when I was at this cute little bistro I saw .... GAG

Heather said...

LMAO.....oh how I love your blogging. it definitely leaves my soul less festery. and i just can't help but wonder what in the world could have prompted such a blog?!?! Hmmmmm????

Home Project Manager said...

"Droppy"....TOTALLY! I don't like the droppy-do's either. $650K promo....sha-what??? Um, tell the lady who owns every color I'm wearing all last year's models and from many year's past. Nothing new in my reportoire...take that all you droppy-do's!