Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I LIKE TO.....


And I cannot lie.
You other brothers can't deny.
When a girl walks in with and itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face....

And so on.

The songs not really about blogging (enter severe gasp) .... but whatev.

Today on the show we'll be discussing weird innuendo's in a business-like atmosphere, but first up, "It's Time for a Nap!"... brought to you by .... the Chamber of Commerce.

(Did I mention this is all to be read in your head with a very deep announcer-like voice....or VERBRATO if you will).

How do you know when it's time for a nap?

When it's daytime and you're tired.


I really and truly have to do everything around here.

Look, if you don't know when it's time for a nap, then sista (who could resist-a, red beans and rice did miss-a), you need to look elsewhere for a job. Because I cannot just keep you around as dead - weight bringing down the running time of life.

I will not settle for the bronze I tell you. I will not.


Now get your fancy mug that Doloris gave you and get on out. But please, have a spring in your step. There's nothing I can stand less than a heavy walker just CLUMP CLUMP CLUMPing down the road.

Or in this instance, the hallway.

The hallway of desperation.

See the kind of writing I do when it's nap time?

I get crazy in la cabeza. Or Loco....loca? Loco? I think for me it's Loca?

Nontheless I get koo-koo-kachoo.

I do. I really do.

I think my mother refers to it as "punchy".

OOOhhh Jenny G.....always FULL of jewels....and those jewels are never wasted either I'll have you know! She always, and I mean without fail, always uses them to brighten up an outfit or pillowcase, golf bag or photo album.

Bedazzler....If you're out there Holla!

If only I could be a bedazzler in the game of geriatrics we call life.


I said Geriatrics!


Oh forget it. Tune up your hearing aid already will you?

On that note.....



Scene. (that's acting talk for this is over or "the end" ... I'm telling you, I am VERY well rounded. I really am).

SCENE. For serious.

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